Our speakers and lecturers

Experts in Cognitive Psychology, Mindfulness and Sophrology

A pool of experts committed to the well-being of your employees

For your conferences and workshops, face-to-face or remote, we have brought together recognized specialists in
cognitive sciences, neurosciences, mental preparation of athletes, sophrology, Mindfulness, self-hypnosis…

Jean-Christophe Beau

Mental Ecology and Motivation
Eco-consciousness and Eco-anxiety

Founder of My Mental Energy Pro®,
HEC Paris, President of the APM club (Association for Progress in Management), Expert in mental ecology and leadership.

Gaël Allain

Concentration, Cognitive Comfort
and Mental Load

Dr. in Cognitive Psychology, expert in Mental Load and Attention Management, Scientific Director of My Mental
Energy Pro and author of “Halte à la Surchauffe Mentale”, published by Larousse.

Clémence Peix Lavalée

Sleep and recovery

Caycedian Consultant-Sophrologist, Scientific Expert in QWL, Scientist, graduate of a master’s degree in Physical Chemistry and a DESS in Science and Management (UPMC).

Nadège Dazy

Embracing diversity
(gender, colors, religions...)

Expert in Gender Equality, Former Gender Equality Advisor Wallonia-Brussels Parliament.

Jean-Daniel Roche

Relationships with others,
emotional intelligence

Physiotherapist, Craniosacral Therapist,
Mindfulness Meditation Instructor.

Bruno Ryon

Sleep and recovery,
Cognitive Comfort

Graduate in neurophysiology and
EM Lyon, Consultant trainer in mental ecology and C&T certified coach.

Our expertise

Our project is to help employees of all types of structures to better use their brains at work in the face of hyper-connection, to disconnect, to avoid mental overheating, stress, strengthen their concentration and vigilance. To gain in well-being, health, safety and efficiency.

A team of mental ecology practitioners

Take care of your employees with our team of experts with degrees in cognitive science, neuroscience and mindfulness who will support you in your QWL and PSR actions according to your needs. We offer tailor-made ” live ” interventions (conferences and workshops in person and remotely) for your special moments.

Contact us

My Mental Energy Pro®

Santé Partners
Phone: +33 (0)4 74 13 88 16

E-mail: contact@santepartners.fr